I tease with this quirky statement: I found that my life did not essentially change in the past week even with all the bad news.
But first, I have to go back to my favorite object lesson—that borderline and histrionic nurse I work with—Valerie. She came me more pause for thought with the question: when have you gotten enough information?
She had to go to watch President Bush's brief statement yesterday (Friday, October 10, 2008) morning. She announced that she was going to go to the other room to watch it and the other nurse went with her. Valerie came back sounding disappointed and informed those in the office that it was pretty much like his other statements this week. Well, yeah, I figured that.
In my managerial attempt, I made a philosophical comment that the President was trying to calm people down. It did not work because the semi-retired psychiatrist came with his I-phone and they (Valerie and the doctor) had to talk about the economy again.
The interesting part is that she had not heard anything new yesterday. She just kept repeating and repeating things. As I have mentioned before, Valarie has few limits and incessantly obsesses. She has a problem with setting limits and showing some self-restraint. She is constantly worried about missing something and she is a miserable soul for it, but I do not think she is missing anything.
Are you really missing anything?
I, like others, do not want to miss anything. The question is: in the course of a day, do you really miss anything? Anxiety makes us more sensitive and feel more vulnerable as if we have to stay more in touch.
Also, people with lower self-esteem pretty much do not want to look stupid. The effect of the Valeries of this world create the effect that if you do not know what Valerie seems to know, you are stupid. Gee, they need to pay more attention to the media just like Valerie so you are not looking stupid.
Well, just like the media, Valerie is just repeating things. I figure that 10 years ago, I would have gotten sucked in by Valerie.
I think I have grown personally to see through Valerie and I have found the power to choose not to be like her. So, I share with you my knowledge and whether it works for you is for you to decide.
In a grand sense Valerie serves as a metaphor for the media. The media repeats information. In fact, there is a broadcast principle called “Parsimony.” In the context of Broadcasting, “Parsimony” means that information is scarce and must be repeated and shared as much as possible. That is why the cable networks repeat their news commentary shows at least once in a given day—there is not enough newsworthy stuff happening every moment of the day. On top of that, the AP tends to do a number of rewrites of stories throughout a day or weekend to make the old news seem fresher even when the facts have not changed.
When considering parsimony with my term “media magnified informational intensity” (MMII), I think the media is saying the same things over and over through a given day but increasing the sense of distress for the viewer or listener. The media is kind of being like Valerie—making lots of noise and saying nothing much new, but the stress is being increased because you are exposed to it again and again.
The MMII can eventually give you the distorted sense that your life is going to “hell in a hand basket” with all the changes are are implied to be happening.
The different channels of information affect a number of our senses. You see the information in the digital video and audio clarity over and over again. You can feel the stress and immediacy in the stern tone of the anchors and commentators. You can see the vivid contrasts in the amazing graphs created by computers. You can feel the overwhelming emotion. Your stomach and muscles in your head begin to tighten as your imagination explores what could happen to you.
I think that with technology, and new ways of distributing information, the MMII can only get worse.
The essential luxuries
When it comes to news convenience is being blurred with necessity. It is my impression (perhaps a nostalgic one) that prior to 1979 before CNN came on the air, the news was limited to the 6:30 pm newscasts of the big three networks, the radio, the daily newspaper, and the weeklies. Information came at a slower rate because there were truly fewer opportunities to get the message out and the technology was limited compared to now. Now, there are numerous ways to get the message out.
The electronic age created the paradox of “essential luxuries.” The digital age has amplified the paradox. There are more ways to check information and there will be even more ways to check information in future. You can get information in your paper, on your radio, on your TV, on your home Internet connection, and now on your pagers and cellphones. Some people, in their anxiety have felt the need to constantly check all the different sources of information. Well, they do so at their own peril.
Not all on the cable channels is really news
Where I am going with this is that not all information that comes over the different news media is “fact.” Much of the information is nebulous “analysis” or “opinion,” which means it is an interpretation by the pundit or commentator or expert. For the most part, the political and economic news happens between 9am and 5pm. What happens after that are usually car accidents and crimes.
Furthermore the liberal commentators tend to be negative in their analysis (they more like “awfulize”), and what they say is of little practical use to the average person in the first place. (Conservative commentators are also mostly negative.) Commentators discuss what they think you should believe about a situation. The more negative the opinion, the more emotive and inflammatory they become.
Our bodies and minds are connected and I believe thus, increasing numbers of people are going to become sufferers of “Panic Disorder.” Those already having anxiety disorders such as Valerie will only have more panic attacks. They will not be able to pull themselves away from their TV's, I-Phones and Internet. They will suffer from the MMII effect and make themselves paralyzed.
So, I ask several questions. How much news and opinion do you really need to take in? How much do you really need to listen to so you know what is going on? How often do you really need to go to Drudge or Yahoo News to be sufficiently informed?
Some useful questions
There is a difference between being adequately informed and obsessing. I have decided that a few diagnostic questions are in order to decide how much is too much information? Some are pretty nebulous and vague, while some are blunt.
- How much do I really need to know what is happening?
- How much was a directly affected by the information on the news?
- Did I really learn anything different over watching the news show on the cable channel at night?
- How much new information was really there over the last hour?
- How much of a consequence did I suffer because I missed the last hour's newscast?
- Did I suffer any real consequence because I did not watch the news all day?
- How much better do you really have it than other people?
- How likely is it that you are really going to end up in the gutter homeless, broke and starving, and be totally abandoned by everyone you know?
- (Six part) To gain insight about what is real and what is blown out of proportion by the people around you (family, friends or co-workers).
- Who is constantly talking about all the bad news?
- Are they the ones who are talking a lot about awful things and obsessing about the economy and politics?
- Do they ever admit that they are human and are wrong sometimes?
- Do they ever talk about positive things?
- Do they talk to hear themselves talk?
- How much of a control freak are they?
My answers to the questions
The diagnostic questions could go on and on. But I have determined that the news media pretty much chews my food for me. I have been extra busy at my job lately and I have been fine with catching the news once or twice a day. When I have listened to the news over a couple of hours, I did not learn anything new that I could use and I did not suffer any consequence for missing the news the whole day. And yes, Valerie is a control freak who seems to talk to soothe herself by talking loudly right when she comes in and she is hopelessly dwelling on stuff she can nether control nor change making herself miserable.
Concluding comments
You and I will still likely feel the weight of the current economic situation because it is all around us. People in all corners of society will talk about it, but they are saying nothing new. We can only take care of ourselves and no one else.
Okay, lets say you want to be able to fit in your office or at your family and social gatherings. You need something to talk about. I present to you that you only need to read the paper daily (hard copy or online) and one or two newscasts per day and you will be up to date.
If someone asks you a leading question about whether you have heard this or that on such and such a show? And you do not want to look stupid, I have two suggestions:
- No. I have been limiting my intake of news for the sake of good mental health and so far it seems to be working.
- No. I have been reading this really cool blog that suggests that only so much news is really necessary to be sufficiently informed.
Well, that is another note to myself and whoever else cares. Here is wishing yourself and me peace of mind in the midst of this turbulent time. Your feedback and comments are always welcome.
P.S. . . . I have been given what is hopefully my final set of revisions on my dissertation and I will get to defend in mid-November. If I do not write next weekend, please understand—I will be following my own advice in this blog by getting lost in the quagmire that I have been in for three years, and at least I have some hope that it is over soon.
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